Consortium for Computing in Small Colleges

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Registration Info
Registration Information

Registration fees are as follows:

Early Registration (by December 18, 2020)
Full Registration: $50
Student Registration: $20

Late/On-Site Registration
Full Registration: $60
Student Registration: $45

NOTE: Tickets for the conference banquet depend on availability for late and on-site registrations. Banquet attendance is not guaranteed in these cases.

Register and pay online:

Use the CCSC:SE Registration System. Log into the system, create an account (good for future conferences as well), and pay via credit card.

It is no longer an option to register and pay via U.S. mail. Please contact the local registrar if you are experiencing difficulties with the online registration system.

The full registration fee includes the conference banquet on Friday evening, the luncheon on Saturday, admission to all sessions, and one copy of the conference proceedings. It also include membership in CCSC.

Student registration does not include meals, CCSC membership or proceedings. However, students who author regular papers or participate in the programming or research contests receive additional benefits. See the appropriate contest registration page for details.

Copyright release form for authors:

The copyright release form to be submitted by all authors of accepted papers may be downloaded here. Please consult the communication that you have received from the CCSC:SE program chairs for further information.
